
SaunaShare Concierge

Built for sauna hosts.

  • Guaranteed To Pay For Itself
  • First Month Free
  • Get Started and Growing Fast

SaunaShare Booking Features

Built With PluginHive

  • Offer Bookings in Minutes, Hours, Days or Months
  • Allow users to book Multiple Days or Multiple Appointments at a time
  • Offer Multiple Bookings for the same time slot
  • Set a Minimum and Maximum Booking duration – For Eg: Users can book Minimum of 2 days up to 8 days
  • Allow Booking Cancellations—Set a Time Limit until which Cancellations can be accepted before the booking starts
  • Enable Booking Approvals/Confirmations
  • Convert your bookings calendar into Overnight Bookings. Allow per night bookings and display the Drop Off and Pick Up date
  • Email notifications to users and admin for a New Booking, Confirmations, and Cancellations
  • Email Reminders to users for upcoming bookings
  • Dynamic total Booking Cost calculation based on number of days or time slots selected
  • Capture Additional information from the users by enabling the Booking Notes field
  • Allow Buffer or Padding time between Bookings(Flexible Buffer After/Before a Booking)
  • Change the Calendar Color to suit your Website Design/Theme
  • Google Calendar Sync
  • Staff Management–Add any number of Staff
  • Restrict Customers from booking at the last minute! Set a Time Limit until when customers can book before a Booking starts
  • Allow customers to book within a Booking Window Period
  • Restrict Bookings to start only on Certain Days of the Week
  • Set any number of Weekdays as Unavailable
  • Set specific time of a Specific Date as Unavailable
  • Set a specific time of the Weekdays as Unavailable
  • Manage any combination of Pricing Rules with the flexible Pricing Rules settings
  • Special Prices based on number of Days Selected
  • Special Prices based on number of People
  • Special Prices for Specific Days
  • Special Prices for Certain Weekdays
  • Special Prices for Certain Time of Weekdays
  • Special Prices for Certain Months/Seasons
  • Create People/Participants/Items and attach them to Bookings
  • Set Price for People/Participants/Items
  • Create Participant-based Pricing Rules
  • Create Resources to Attach with a Booking, like add-ons and different options.
  • Assign Resources Automatically or Let Customers Choose
  • Assign a Price for Resources
  • Sync Booking Calendars between Multiple Products on your store by Creating Global Assets
  • Sync Booking Calendars with Different Time Durations
  • Create Staff and Manage their Availability and Costs using the Assets Feature
  • Compatible with WooCommerce Product Add-Ons plugin–Now create your Bookings form with Unlimited Fields to go with the Bookings calendar using the Product Add-ons
  • Compatible with WooCommerce Deposits Plugin–Now accept Partial Payments for your Bookings using WooCommerce Deposits
  • Multiple Language Support


Members get early access and a say in our roadmap.

Here’s what we’re working on now:

Pay What You Can

We get it, you just bought a sauna and are taking a huge risk to bring sauna to the people. You don’t want to put more hard earned money at risk. We want to help no matter what you can afford.

We hope to get to a point where you feel good with a $45-$95 monthly contribution, but if you can even start with $5 or $10, that really helps too!

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